Thursday, 10 March 2011


I have been given permission to relay I very funny story that happened at school today! Thank you Lozzi :)
It all started when my friend Abi started to get annoyed when her friend wouldn't text her back. So every time she mentioned him, she called him a bastard. This sparked my friend Lozzi (absolute genius) to get very anger at Abi's colourful use of language, and she swore she would kill Abi if she kept saying bastard. When we went outside, unfortunately for Abi she did not heed this warning. Turns out Lozzi was deadly serious...
Everytime Abi said it she started attacking Abi with the full water bottle. When I swore Lozzi sprayed me with the full lucozade bottle (you know the squeezy ones), not so bad really. Now the good bit, Abi swore again, and Lozzi finally lost it and did the most amazing thing ever - she soaked Abi head to toe in lucozade! She launched the bottle towards Abi and squeezed the bottle and Abi got drenched! Utterly amazing! I'm sorry Abi if you are reading this and feel offended - I am still your mate, but it was very funny :)
Highlight of my life :D
Maia x

Tuesday, 8 March 2011


Ach...what an annoying piece of software. I had it for a couple of weeks and got so fed up of people asking me stupid questions and offending me I got so annoyed I just disabled my account. Such a good feeling.
I know people like to get praise for stuff from anonymous people, but seriously, do you really think they are truthful? The most annoying thing is when people offend you by asking you a 'question' and then hiding their name. People like that have no guts as far as I am concerned, some people need to grow up and get a life. If they have something to say, then say it to my face, I would appreciate it more if you told me straight rather than hiding your name! How immature.
Sorry to rant like this, but it really gets on my pip. Anyway, I have just realized this is my first post for 2011... God I haven't been on this for ages. Oh dear. Never mind. Probably too caught up in bloody Formspring.
Maia x