Sunday, 22 January 2012


I am finally coming to end of Year 11. This is it, the end of compulsory school and that sounds FABULOUS. Legally, if I wanted to, I could leave school for good now, go and find a job, or get an apprenticeship. I could do whatever I want. Except...I'm not...
Instead, I am going to sixth form at my current school. I have only been there five years, so as far as I am concerned two more years is nothing. I can hear you say "ONLY five years?! That is ages!". I realise it sounds a bit contradictory but compared to people who have been at the school since nursery, my measly five years seems like a week to them.

I promise this post relates to the title, it does, honest. It is entitled 'Interviews' because, last week I had my scholarship application for Sixth Form interview with the Head and Deputy Head at my school. I admit, I probably should have done more preparation for it, but I had just finished my mock exams and really was not in the mood to prepare questions. So, all the way to school on the bus that morning, I got my friends to think of as many interview questions as possible and ask me them. After half and hour of constant grilling from my friends, I felt I had the perfect answers to every possible question the head and deputy head could ask me. When I say "perfect answers", what I mean is, I would end up lying through my teeth if I wanted to make a good impression... Now, I know that sounds awful, but it is true, of course all the answers were based on truth, only I had modified the truth to make it sound more impressive by saying it in a certain way.
So, the time is 11.55am. I am sitting on the white leather chairs outside the heads office, waiting to be called in. I felt mentally prepared, I had the answers to every possible question me and my friends could think of and I was sitting down, meaning I couldn't faint. Only, there was one problem, I was unbelievably nervous. I tried to calm myslef down, but nothing was working. Finally, after five minutes of hyperventilating, the head came out and called me in. I sat down on the chair, and almost immediately, I forgot EVERY question I had prepared answers to. The head and deputy tried their best to say everything was fine, but of course, nothing was working. So, the first question came - "Maia. I know you are quite sporty..." WAIT, WHAT?! Sporty? Me? Then I thought, does she think I am somebody else? Maybe I got my time wrong and am not supposed to be here... The head carried on "...what do you think of the 2012 olympics being held in London?" For the life of me I cannot remember what I said. I am hoping it was not my real opinion, because to be honest, I couldn't give a monkeys about it...
As the interview progressed, I started to relax, it then became clear to me that not one of the questions I had prepared was being asked... But somehow, I was answering them. I don't know how, but I did. There was an odd moment about half way through the interview, where I think I got a little too relaxed and attacked the piece of fluff floating in the air in front of me...

Each interview is meant to last 15 minutes. Considering I was in there for 35, I think it went quite well. The best part is, I don't think I lied once, just trying to work out now, whether that is a good thing...