Saturday, 16 June 2012

I'm back!

Hello readers! I have returned from GCSE hell and although I have not completely finished I only have two more left and they are both German exams and are bearable and plus, I couldn't leave my readers for such a long time again! I have a lot to tell...

Don't you hate it when you come out of an exam and think, "That was OK. I did it without much trouble!" then behind you emerging from the school hall are all your friends panicking about the exam saying it was impossible and they are going to fail? Yes? Well this happened to me on a couple of occasions during my exams. Unfortunately for me the people stressing about the exams were some of the cleverest in the year. They are also lovely people and somewhat modest, hence my confusion about whether they were just being modest or were genuinely worried. I just needed to forget about that exam once I had done it and away. Except that was not really feasible so I went home and ate chocolate instead while watching one of my many TV box sets. No doubt they will still get a better grade than me on those exams after panicking me after I felt fine!

The opposite also happened, I came out worried about the fact the longest question, worth the most marks, was on a topic I didn't know much about, only to find that everyone else felt absolutely fine. You can't imagine the stress... I have got to the stage now, however, after fourteen of my sixteen exams, where I am able to forget about them and just do absolutely NOTHING, and that is so lovely. I have prom coming up this week and am extremely excited to see how my friends will all look and to have a good time after exam stress.
Sorry this hasn't been a particularly funny or interesting post but I thought I ought to update you all on what I have been doing before I write anything else! I will do another post on my frankly 'interesting' trip to Dorset. I when I say interesting I mean in the sense of when you ask your mum whether she likes your outfit and she says with 'that' look on her her face - "Um, yeah, it's....interesting".

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